1. How I did on last week’s goals
Add 5,000 words to Beauty Bound: Up 4,000, so pretty good
Perfect #PitchWars entry: Will it ever really be perfect?
Blogpost on MWW: YES!
Exercise three days this week: Done!
Finish piece for critique partner: half done
Read a book off of my ever-growing "to-read" list: Thirteen Reasons Why, fantastic, but terrifying as the mother of girls
Scope out places and setting for author photos: a little, now to convince the husband to do them
2. My goal(s) for this week
Add 5,000 words to Beauty Bound
Perfect #PitchWars entry
Exercise three days this week
Finish piece for critique partner
Read a book off of my "to-read" list
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote
How long could she last? Where else would she go? She couldn’t go home. Her nightmare would only come back.
4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write, the siren song of SNIs)
Finding focus. Finding time. Finding my brain.
5. Something I love about my WIP
The characters and their complicated relationship.
Write like no one is watching!
How long could she last? Where else would she go? She couldn’t go home. Her nightmare would only come back.
4. The biggest challenge I faced this week (ex. finding time to write, the siren song of SNIs)
Finding focus. Finding time. Finding my brain.
5. Something I love about my WIP
The characters and their complicated relationship.
Write like no one is watching!
4K is great! I've not read 13 Reasons Why, though I've heard so much about it. Good luck this week!