Monday, July 28, 2014

Ready, Set, WRITE! Week 8

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
Laughable, but amazing. I did not revise my synopsis, I printed all the copies and left them on my computer desk. I felt like a total failure.

But what happened at Midwest Writer's was so much better than any of that. I learned so much in those few couple of days. I met so many other amazing authors and we got to share our passion.

And I did write, just not what I had intended. I worked on a new WIP, a YA apocalyptic I'm calling SI, that really began flowing during classes. I used the exercises to write my opening and I mapped out the world building.

2. My goal(s) for this week

Revise 2 chapters on HB. 

Finish synopsis for HB.

Continue world building and character development for SI.

Read at least 30 minutes each day. My booklist has gotten way too long!

3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

Of all the animals that survived that winter, Daisy had to be one of them. She laid there, lifeless, as I tiptoed down the hall. Worst guard-dog ever.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.

The conference was so busy, that I didn't have a whole lot of time for free writing. Now I just have so many great ideas I hardly know where to start!
5. Something I love about my WiP.

I love the way people looked at me when I told them my quick pitch and said, wow that's different.

How did you do this week? I'd love to hear from you!


Monday, July 21, 2014

Ready, Set, WRITE! Week 7

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.
1. How I did on last week’s goals
Really well, two goals completed and the last, well... My super helpful link for the week is from Janice Hardy's website: Living in My Head: Crafting Natural-Sounding Internal Thoughts

Revise two chapters in WIP - Actual success! I revised two chapters and started on a third. I
was really on a roll for a while.

Final revision of query letter - Finished the final revisions, I think it's good enough to take to MWW14.

Revise synopsis - I took a look at it Sunday night, but I don't think it really counts.

2. My goal(s) for this week
 It's Midwest Writer's Week, I'm so excited!!! So my goals are different for this week.

  • Revise synopsis by Wednesday 
  • Print copies of materials to share at MWW14 
  • Learn!
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.

“Would it not have been easier to put a pea under my pillow?” she mumbled.

“Easier, but less enjoyable for me,” he said with a smirk.
4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.

Sadness. Being stuck in my chair did have it's benefits and I started the week out great. But when two big traumas hit me on Friday, I pretty much went down the rabbit hole. I think I finally dug my way out, but it was a bummer two days for writing.

5. Something I love about my WiP.

Since it's a fairy tale it's all about getting to your happily ever after. And it's a nice goal to work toward. I mean, you have to get dragged through tar and muck to get there, but who shouldn't have to work towards a happy ending?

How did you do this week?
I'd love to hear from you!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What's up Wednesday 7/15/14

Yea! It's time for the What's Up Wednesday weekly blog hop created Jaime Morrow and  Erin Funk. Thank you both for connecting writers together, this is great!


Defiance (Defiance #1)
Still reading Defiance by C. J. Redwine. I have to stop myself from reading because I had so much going on this weekend. I can't wait to finish though so I can hop on the next book in the series.


I did some final edits on my query and submitted to QueryDrill. If you haven't heard of this, it was started by an intern slush pile reader and they will read your query for you and give you feedback before you query to actual agencies. A wonderful opportunity for newbie writers like myself.

I sat down today and actually revised an entire chapter. I'm hitting the midpoint where things have turned in a totally different direction and both my MCs are going through massive changes. So I'm hoping to feel a little more excited with the newness of it.


I'm getting really excited for Midwest Writer's Conference and a little nervous. I hate going places and not knowing anyone there, but I'm hoping to meet some wonderful new people.

Outstanding series have been inspiring me lately. There was a Harry Potter marathon this weekend on ABC Family and I fall in love with J.K. Rowling's ability every time. The minute details in the first book that had an impact right in the very end, just amazing. I love to analyze a story and figure out each layer within the story. Wandlore, race relations, dark magic, light magic, love, family (both biological and other), culture differences, I could go on and on. Is there anything Harry Potter doesn't touch? It sets a standard for writing that I will hold, probably forever.


Monday I was pretty much in a daze after having a not-so-fun procedure. Everything went well, but I slept most of Monday. The big upside is that I get to be on bed rest for a couple of days and I'm supposed to take it slow for a few more after that. So I got to be attached to my laptop yesterday and I plan on doing more work on WIP while under the restriction. Always looking for the silver linings!

How is everyone else doing?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ready, Set, Write! Week 6

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.
1. How I did on last week’s goals
I got some things accomplished, but not as much as I had hoped.
  • Revise two chapters in WIP- Big fail, I got about half of one chapter. I did put the last revised chapter through critique group on Thursday. I'm glad that I waited because I have new things to take into account for the next chapter.
  • Revise query letter- Finished and critiqued, ready for final touches
  • Revise synopsis- Big fail
2. My goal(s) for this week
 I'm not really sure how to predict this week. I am having a procedure done today and I'll be restricted for most of the week. While this means I'll have isolated attachment to my laptop, I also don't know how I'll feel about writing. But I'll shoot on the ambitious side, I can only hope for the best.
  • Revise two chapters in WIP
  • Final revision of query letter
  • Revise synopsis
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.
My new hook:  When Mirea meets the handsome king, she is intrigued by him, but appalled by his offer: become his mistress and all her family's debts will be forgiven.

4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.
Nerves. Preoccupation with the procedure has taken over my brain. I started off the week gang busters, but have been slacking this weekend.

5. Something I love about my WiP.
It gave me a new hope. When things are looking bad, it's the one thing I can come back to and know that it's possible for things to get better.

How did you do this week?
I'd love to hear from you!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What's Up Wednesday 7/9/14

Yea! It's time for the What's Up Wednesday weekly blog hop created Jaime Morrow and  Erin Funk. Thank you both for connecting writers together, this is great!


Defiance (Defiance #1)I had a plan, I downloaded the book and everything. And then I found an even newer, shinier book. So now I'm addicted to Defiance by C. J. Redwine. I figure the series should keep me busy for a good while.



Still working on edits for WiP, I can almost see a light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm still dragging. I also re-wrote my query letter with the help of Shannon Messenger's Shannon Style Series. I'm revising it to upload to AbsoluteWrite and get some feedback today.


A deadline. Midwest Writer's Conference is two weeks away, and I want to have as much as I can ready to go. That includes my query letter, my synopsis, and an edited first draft (or as much as I can manage). We'll see how much of that I can get done.


Our family got to take a fun camping trip for the 4th of July. My kids had a great time with both sets of grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and their favorite cousin Rosie! And I got to have a great time hanging out with my baby sister. The big highlight of the trip was watching her fiancĂ© save a man from drowning. I am still in awe of how quickly he responded, with no training whatsoever, just pure instinct.

I can't wait to hear from the rest of you!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Ready, Set, WRITE! 2014 Week 5

RSW is a summer writing intensive hosted by Jaime Morrow, Alison Miller, Katy Upperman, and Erin Funk. You can sign up on the linky at any of the host blogs every Monday. Remember to encourage other participants too! For more info on RSW and a link to the lovely buttons, go here.

1. How I did on last week’s goals
Oh my, very poorly. I was very excited to have a three day camping weekend away (hence the water button). There would be tons of grandparents around that wanted time with the kids and I thought I might get some time for writing. Unfortunately, I only got one chapter revised, but a lot of time to just be (and some time to read).

2. My goal(s) for this week
Now I get to play catch up and freak out.

  • Revise two chapters in WIP
  • Revise query letter
  • Revise synopsis
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised."Life does not work as in the stories that mothers tell their children. This is real life and I am accepting my lot in it."4. The biggest challenge I faced this week.
My husband lovingly demanded that I put my laptop away and just breathe for the weekend. It was good for my family, but I had expected to revise two extra chapters on the trip. Now I am in a hurry because Midwest Writer's Conference is in two weeks and I want to have as much as I can ready to take with me.

5. Something I love about my WiP.
Raw emotion. Sometimes while writing/reading it feels like I am in the emotions of my characters. It's an incredible feeling.

I can't wait to hear from others. How did you do this week?


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What's Up Wednesday 7/2/14

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created Jaime Morrow and  Erin Funk, to help connect writers on this writing journey. Thank you both for connecting us all, this is great!


At the recommendation of Katie Conigliaro @paperbackplanes I downloaded Graceling by Kristen Cashore. I plan on reading that during my 4th of July camping trip.


Halfway through editing my WIP, an adult fairy tale. I just finished the pivotal scene that takes everything in a different direction. I am hoping to plan out my next MS on my camping trip or at least narrow down my choices. Maybe I'll put up a poll to ask for help!


My sucky job inspires me to finish this MS up. I need a little something to look forward to, even if it is rejection. And Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is on. Always good. :)
And the song When the Love Runs Out. It fits in really well with the chapter I'm editing.


This week has pretty much been planning and packing for camping. I'm hoping to get some writing done in the peaceful quiet, but it doesn't always work out for me. At least I'll get to hang with the family. And I'm making lemon raspberry Jell-O shots. So I got that to look forward to.